if i don't say so otherwise, assume that it's another warm day here in cambridge. today the temperature hovered in the 60's. i should've taken advantage of the nice weather but i only left the house just once, to drop off a letter at the nearby mailbox.
my father dropped off my 2nd aunt and uncle at the airport early this morning. hours later she called from washington dc, said there was something wrong with her visa (not true) and they made her change her plane ticket so she'd come back from her vacation 2 weeks ahead of schedule. it was basically a communication error but a costly one, one that cut short their vacation (4 weeks instead of 6 weeks) and added a few hundred dollars worth of change fees.
marco finally tried my extra flan which had been sitting in the fridge since last week. he really seemed to like it and even sipped the remaining syrup. between the two of us we finally finished the last of my pulled pork.