
funny how on one of the coldest day of the year so far, i spent most of the day in my underwear and t-shirt, seemingly oblivious to the weather outside. i might've been cold but at this point in the season i'm already used to it. since i knew i was going out for dinner i didn't have a big lunch, just some instant cup of noodles.

in the evening julie and i went to a flash mashup presentation at MIT, showcasing some creative ways people are using meta data from flickr, googlemap, amazon, and other sources. i bumped into paula and jonathan there. afterwards julie and i went to emma's for pizza. julie raved over her bacon gorgonzola pizza while i felt a little apathetic about my buffalo chicken pizza (i like top speed's version better). could be because i burnt my tongue on some hot soup yesterday so now i only have partial ability to taste food.

tonight was cold, something like 20 degrees (not factoring in the wind chill which made it feel like 3 degrees [-16°C]), the kind of biting new england weather that makes you gnash your teeth and clench your fists. somehow i fear this is only the beginning though. besides the cold, we really haven't had much to show for this winter, which naturally made me very excited when i saw an ice puddle on the sidewalk.

tonight i watched the first new episode of rome (season 2). one of the best shows on television (albeit paid cable). this season is all about revenge and the end of episode 1 sets the mood perfectly. i love how they didn't directly show mark antony's famous speech but instead had one of the spectators describe it to his friends. along with my 24, my battlestar galactica, my 30 rock, my dexter, it's another show i can't miss.