
the highlight of the day has got to be the food. the lowlight, without a doubt, would be the oakland athletics ripping my heart when they delivered a loss to the red sox.

for lunch i went to the chinatown cafe on the outskirts of chinatown (262 harrison avenue), a few blocks away from the tufts medical school. if you want good chinese takeout style food at a bargain price (quantity and quality!), this is the place. my parents used to get food from here for dinner on those rare nights when they weren't cooking. i got the shredded pork with bean sprouts served on crunchy chow mein to go. working next to chinatown, i plan on visiting every single restaurant and take-out in the near future, my own personal lunchtime mission to find the best places to eat. i am going to get so fat! coming back to the office, i went by a costume store and saw them gearing up for halloween, probably their busiest time of the year.

despite the great food, i could only eat a small portion of it because there was just so much. snicker the office dog cat came by once to check out what i was doing. i thought maybe he'd pester me until i fed him (just like a dog), but the cat in him left me alone to eat my food in peace. i picked away at it until i was full, then put the rest away in the fridge.

as soon as i got home, i closed all the blinds and turn on a light before heading right back out the door. i walked to harvard square to take the 66 bus into allston center, going over to dan's place to watch game 1 of the red sox athletics playoff. i got an order of wings before i went up to the apartment, overpriced small wings (spicy teradactyl flavored) but i was hungry so it tasted pretty good nevertheless. the drama that greeted me when i got there was this: dan trying to get a sick fish out of his new fish tank. it was bloated and swimming sideways, mike said maybe it had dropsy, some kind of fish disease, dan though maybe he had just overfed it. dan managed to scoop the fish out with a net and put it in a separate hospice tank, which miraculously started to get better once it was isolated from the other fishes.

the game started at 10pm and went into extra innings. it was finally over at 2:45am, as well as any hopes of the red sox winning game 1 of the series. the loss was painful, but the fact that it went into extra innings and dragged late into the night made it that much more painful. dan ending up giving me a ride in his new car with cymara tagging along because she didn't trust his driving. game 2 tomorrow at 4pm. red sox better win!