
more coding fun this sunday. lying on the couch using my stomach as a laptop table probably isn't the most ergonomically efficient way to work. it wasn't too long before i started getting those back pains i always get when i lie on the couch for a while (damn you too-soft couch!). say what you will about the standard office environment, but nothing beats a desk and a chair for conducive programming. today was the last day of free HBO, so i milked it for all its worth. if i had the money i'd totally go premium cable again, but that'd probably mean i'd never leave the house ever again.

went over to my parents' place for dinner. i watched the dog run around the yard, picking up small branches to chew on and chasing after tennis balls. it could be because she's still young, or maybe because it's that particular breed, but that dog has a lot of energy. after dinner weiwei and my godmother came over to see the dog. i introduced my parents to wii bowling before getting a ride back home.

there comes a time in every indoor gardener's life to call it quits. i don't think i'm going to get anymore out of the plants i already have. i have some edible cilantro and parsley, i never did grow enough basil to eat (most of their leaves have since shriveled up), and the nasturtiums have pretty much taken over the closet. once the cardinal climber vine starts flowering (i hope soon), i'm going to get rid of most of my nasturtium to make room for transplant crops. (actually, just when i wrote that, i've decided against it, i'll leave the nasturtiums until they produce seeds and in the meantime i'll grow my transplant vegetables on the lower shelf, with hopefully better lighting.)

i was able to watch the 3rd installment of john adams on HBO, instead of my usual nefarious shake-hands-with-illegal-firesharing way. afterwards i retired to the bedroom, where i logged a few more hours of coding. for the most part it's done, i left a little bit to do tomorrow, but it should be ready for delivery. it still could use some further optimization, but i'll leave that task for this coming week.