
NSTAR might cut out my power later tonight for routine maintenance (between 12am-4am). if i had a normal schedule this wouldn't affect me but since i'm up pretty much up the whole night, i'm going to notice if the electricity goes out. it's usually just for a few seconds, but it's the anticipation that's the killer. i rather just go to bed early than suddenly lose power while i'm on the computer or watching television. even non-electronic events like reading isn't going to work if there aren't any lights.

i totally blew it tonight: i was supposed to go to a community meeting discussing a developer proposal to build a condo complex on a currently empty lot near where i live. space is already pretty tight in my neighborhood, so to add even more condos is going to make things even worse. decreased parking spots, increased traffic, it won't be good. unfortunately i spaced out and forgot about the meeting. i'm curious to know what happened tonight. maybe i can ask my neighbors, possibly some of them were at this meeting. i really don't think there's anything we as neighbors can do about it, other than to voice our disgruntledness. in the end it's hard going up against the force of "progress" and fighting all that money interest and lawyers. there is of course always sabotage, but you didn't hear that from me.

it's only been about 24 hours but somehow i'm surprised that the LED basil is still alive and hasn't just shriveled up. one of the weird things about growing under LED's is that the leaves look black under the blue and red lights. it seems very counter-intuitive that under these conditions anything could possibly grow. anyway, check back in a week and see how things progress.